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Why try EECP Mobile Therapy: Clinically proven!


Chester’s experience parallels that of patients involved in clinical trials of EECP. A 1992 study published in the American Journal of Cardiology reported on 18 patients with severe heart disease (they had already had bypass surgery and were still having chronic angina) who received a full course of EECP. Sixteen of the 18 had complete relief of angina, and the other two had partial relief. In addition, thallium stress tests demonstrated a total resolution of obstructive blood flow in 67 percent of the patients and partial improvement in 11 percent.


In a more recent study, a multicenter trial carried out at seven university medical centers, including Yale, Columbia, and Harvard. This placebo-controlled study involved 139 patients, average age of 63, with chronic angina pectoris. These patients had serious heart disease. They were on maximal medication, 51 percent had had previous heart attacks, 62 percent had undergone bypass and/or angioplasty, and 65 percent had multivessel coronary artery disease.


They were divided into two groups and received either 35 EECP or placebo treatments over a course of four to seven weeks. While the placebo group showed little improvement, patients undergoing EECP had a decrease in both weekly episodes of angina (from 3.9 to 2.4) and nitroglycerin use (from 2.6 to 1.2 times per week). In addition, patients noted a slight increase in exercise duration and marked improvements in energy and sense of well-being.


How long do EECP’s effects last?


I know of one patient who, five years after he was given his “last rites” and underwent EECP as a last-ditch effort, is fully functional and pain-free. One year after the above study’s conclusion, 40 patients who had undergone EECP were reexamined, with 70 percent continuing to show clinical benefits.

You’ll Be Hearing More About This Therapy.


If EECP is so good, why aren’t more physicians prescribing it?


The answer:


EECP is a threat to the multibillion dollar heart disease industry, to the pharmaceutical giants, to the cardiac surgery suites that are the showrooms of this nation’s hospitals, to the cardiologists already in practice, and to those being churned out every year from our medical schools. Like a skid-row junkie, the heart disease industry has a ravenous habit that must be satisfied with a continuous supply of patients, regardless of cost and injury to the people they are supposedly helping.


EECP is beginning to gain a foothold in this country. Even if cardiologists continue to ignore the evidence, the people who pay for health care will eventually sit up and take notice. EECP costs much less than angioplasty and bypass surgery, it is noninvasive and can be administered outside a hospital, and it is extremely safe and effective.






In addition to relieving angina, EECP is also an excellent therapy for other disorders involving the circulatory system—peripheral vascular disease, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, impotence, blindness due to retinal artery occlusion, and sudden deafness. 
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